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19571 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe MI.
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Robert Michmerhuizen

Robert Michmerhuizen was born in Grand Rapids and lived in Michigan until his family moved to Louisville, Kentucky, when he was twelve. From the earliest years he has been drawing and painting his pictures. He received a BFA Degree from Marquette University and the Layton School of Art in Milwaukee. Since military service, painting and teaching have become a full time profession. Along with numerous juried awards his work has been shown in Time and Fortune magazines and other publications. He is represented in over 400 public and private art collections in 34 states, Including the Air Force Museum and the State of Michigan. In addition to private classes for adults and children, he has taught in the public schools, at the college level and at Altos de Chavon School of Art and Design in the Dominican Republic. His painting trips abroad include Italy, England, France, Spain and Morocco. He lives in Spring Lake, Michigan.

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